2006.09-2010.06 四川农业大学木材科学与工程专业,获工学学士学位
2011.09-2013.06 四川农业大学野生动植物保护与利用专业(硕博连续)
2013.09-2017.06 四川农业大学生态学专业,获理学博士学位
以第一作者在《Ecology Letters》、《Global Change Biology》、《Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences》、《植物生态学报》、《生态学报》等国内外专业学术期刊发表论文10余篇,其中SCI收录论文11篇,CSCD核心收录4篇。
1.Yue K, Fornara DA, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Peng CH, Liu ZL, Wu FZ*.Influence of multiple global change drivers on terrestrial carbon storage: additive effects are common.Ecology Letters, 2017, 20(5): 663-672.
2.Yue K, Fornara DA, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Li ZJ, Wu FZ*, Peng CH*.Effects of three global change drivers on terrestrial C:N:P stoichiometry: a global synthesis.Global Change Biology, 2017, 23(6): 2450-2463.
3.Yue K, Peng Y, Peng CH, Yang WQ, Peng X, Wu FZ*.Stimulation of terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage by nitrogen addition: a meta-analysis.Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 19895.
4.Yue K, Yang WQ, Peng CH, Peng Y, Zhang C, Huang CP, Tan Y, Wu FZ*.Foliar litter decomposition in an alpine forest meta-ecosystem on the eastern Tibetan Plateau.Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 566-567: 279-287.
5.Yue K, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Zhang C, Huang CP, Xu ZF, Tan B, Wu FZ*.Dynamics of multiple metallic elements during foliar litter decomposition in an alpine forest river.Annals of Forest Science, 2016, 73(2): 547-557.
6.Yue K, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Zhang C, Huang CP, Wu FZ*. Chromium, cadmium, and lead dynamics during winter foliar litter decomposition in an alpine forest river.Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 2016, 48(1): 79-91.
7.Yue K, Wu FZ, Yang WQ, Zhang C, Peng Y, Tan B, Xu ZF, Huang CP*. Cellulose dynamics during foliar litter decomposition in an alpine forest meta-ecosystem.Forests, 2016, 7(8): 176. (SCI三区, IF2016 = 1.951, WOS: 000382470000025)
8.Yue K, Peng CH, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Zhang C, Huang CP, Wu FZ*. Degradation of lignin and cellulose during foliar litter decomposition in an alpine forest river.Ecosphere, 2016, 7(10): e01523.
9.Yue K, Peng CH, Yang WQ, Peng Y, Fang JM, Wu FZ*.Study type and plant litter identity modulating the response of litter decomposition to warming, elevated CO2, and elevated O3: a meta-analysis.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2015, 120: 441-451.
10.Yue K, Ye M*, Zhou ZJ, Sun W, Lin X. The genusCordyceps: a chemical and pharmacological review.Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2013, 65(4): 474-493.
11.Yue K, Ye M*, Lin X, Zhou ZJ. The artificial cultivation of medicinal caterpillar fungus,Ophiocordyceps sinensis(Ascomycetes): a review.International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms,2013, 15(5): 425-434.
12.岳楷,杨万勤,张川,彭艳,黄春萍,吴福忠*.高寒森林不同生境对凋落叶分解过程中灰分动态的影响.生态学报, 2017, 37(9): 3096-3105.
13.岳楷,杨万勤,彭艳,黄春萍,张川,吴福忠*.高寒森林溪流对凋落叶分解过程中木质素降解的影响.植物生态学报, 2016, 40(9): 893-901.
14.岳楷,杨万勤,彭艳,张川,黄春萍,吴福忠*.岷江上游高山森林冬季河流中凋落叶碳、氮和磷元素动态特征.应用与环境生物学报, 2015, 21(2): 301-307.
15.岳楷,杨万勤,彭艳,张川,黄春萍,吴福忠*.岷江上游高山森林凋落叶在冬季河流中的质量损失特征.长江流域资源与环境, 2015, 24(7): 1177-1184.